Pasquale ForcellatiRelationship and Sexual Therapy in Bedford and Online

My Journey. The Journey

My Journey

A bit about me

"I would like to share a poem, written by wales_crimson , whilst
In prisoned by anxiety and depression

For it is only when we have seen and fought off our darkest of days of past,
That we can then truly appreciate and enjoy our brightest days ahead.

Without pain there is no pleasure,
Without failure there is no success,
Without sorrow there is no joy,
Without sacrifice there is no reward.

Solitude brings misery,
It feeds off depression and anxiety.

We are our own key holders,
with the power to free ourselves from our own mental torture.

Please let me become we,
allowing others to help give a voice to the voiceless prisoners of mental health."

This speaks to me about connection, or as the author puts it " Let me become we"

I work to connect and build an on-line relationship with you.

In this relationship I want to embark on a therapeutic journey as your guide.

Therapy for me is about connection.

I believe in the importance of the therapy relationship that we build together.

Within this relationship we can both start your therapy journey, there will be tough times ahead for sure.

I work to connect and build a relationship with you on-line.

My job is to provide a calm and safe space to over come the tough times.

Keeping us both focused on the ultimate objective, which is peace of mind.

A bit more about how I practice...

I am an experienced couple counselor from Bedford.

I work with individuals and couples in the field of relationships , sexual dysfunctions and issues around compulsive sexual behavior.

I am trained as a young person counsellor (8 yrs-18 yrs), and also work with gender and sexual diversity clients and am kink and sexual worker friendly therapist.

I am familiar with a wide range of relationship models.

Read more about how I work in the What I do section.

How I embarked in this therapeutic journey...

My own journey into the world of therapy was the quest for “peace of mind”.

During this search, I spent time in Thailand and India, practicing yoga and vipassana meditation. Vipassana is a way of self-transition by self-observation. 

Coming into this therapy world, I was excited to find that ancient teachings such as mindfulness were at the forefront of modern psychotherapy.

My first experience in this field was working as a mental health advocate for Rethink, in this role it become apparent that there was a shortage of conversational therapies.

The system was failing its patients, this led me to train to become a therapist. I trained as a psychodynamic, couple and sex therapist.

“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another – and ourselves."
– Jack Kornfield

And you? When will you begin the long journey into yourself? - Rumi

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